[ reference ]

When I reconnected my tank I had an overflow problem. The bike was parked in the sun on a hot day and when I came out at lunch there was a pool of gas on the ground and gas dripping from the bike. The cap was vented (but the vented caps let air in - not out). I removed the tank to check it out. The problem was a small piece of trash in the rubber vent tube. Once the tube was cleaned out it performed as it should. Lesson learned.

mountA small, flat piece of metal bent and mounted around the battery tray can help hold your solo bag in place and solve the inevitable sagging. I JB Welded a bolt at the point I wanted it to secure the bag. I made a hole in the bag and used a wing nut to secure it. Stays tight against the frame.
I made a cardboard mockup for size and fit and then used 3/32 inch thick, 1 1/2 inch wide metal to make the bracket. Painted it black and mounted it. Can't even thell it's there.